When the wind gets up to the point that a helm is very uncomfortable taking his boat out - is a B cut sail a good solution? Not talking about option for the highly competent or super fit but for your average club sailor. To my simple mind it seems it would be no different to choosing to swop a full Laser rig for a Radial rig when conditions and comfort demand. Am I right or wrong? Any practical experiences?
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Graham, I'll have to add a comment to support the use of the "B" plan sail. I am only a recent recruit to the Solo, buying an older Winder 1 last year. I sail on the coast at Blakeney in tidal water which although sheltered from the North sea can be rough. Many here sail Lasers and the choice of a smaller sail can mean the difference between having the confidence to sail- or not. Bearing in mind we can't sail every weekend, the chance to go sailing in less than ideal conditions is often taken. This weekend was just such an occasion. I bought a plan "B" sail through this website for around £30 last year and have used it a few times. On Sunday it was gusting to nearly 30mph with some decent waves and the sail was ideal, great fun and manageable most of the time. You can flatten it too much with kicker and cunningham, it has to be able to breathe. It is not going to be a race winner though I did manage a second - which was more to do with staying upright than sailing prowess - as you have to sail to the normal handicap. I'll be interested to hear how Ian Cherill get on with his plan "B" and read his blog with interest.