So after 25 years of not dinghy sailing i bought a great Solo 4688. Lovely boat and I have been upgrading all the lines. Yesterday I decided to have a little blast in a F5/6. Brilliant, but having been dumped out the back on a broach, It went turtle quickly and I got it back upright okay but I found I could not get back in the dam thing. The wind was blowing the windward side that high I could not climb aboard. Climbing in over the leeward side would have dumped it in again. No I know I am not fit and perhaps a little rounder than I used to be but has any one got any tips on how to rig the righting lines to aide getting back in?
I will be hitting the gym for some upper body work before the season starts again.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers all. Craig
Thank you Ian - I have had a very helpful email from Andrew with a great video included with the instructions. Project for the winter.
search this site for Andrew Liddingtons excellent elastic retractibg step system. I remember one of the Salcombe lot riggibg a knotted rope from the central table to the gunwhale to help with reaching the coffee table grips. Go carefully with any extra ropes as getting snagged within is not good
Ease the kicker and definately come over the windward side