Hello all, I have recently started sailing a solo at club level racing (Southshields). There is quite a strong laser dinghy presence and some solos which is great. The last race I did was very challenging - I could not get the solo to point to windward as high as the other racers and trying to figure out why. It seemed I could only get power heading 10-20 degrees further down wind than the rest of the fleet.
I suspect that my settings were not correct. It was a good breeze 15-18 knots with gusts of 25-30 (probably the strongest I have sailed in yet). I had the kicker on as hard as I could, the same with the outhaul and the cunningham too. The one factor I did not try (as I was too busy enjoying all the rolling and spilling caused by wind over tide) was the center board which was fully down the while time. Off the wind I had tons of power, but as soon as I headed a bit upwind it was like someone flicked a switch and boat stopped moving.
Many thanks,
Solo is all about balance, and keeping the helm light. Sail flat upwind and trim the centre plate to keep the helm light. You should be aiming to have the end of the boom somewhere over the side deck at the transom, if it is very windy even further out. North guide is pretty spot on, but probably worth talking to your sailmaker how they recommend setting up. It is possible to over kicker some sails when it is windy, you can usually tell if the bottom batten inverts behind the mast.
checking that the centreboard bolt isnt loose is good.
Pete Bond of Severn used to supply a elastic bunjee strap,the ones with the adjustable plastic clip.
round a loop on the board and under the thwart and mainsheet mount.
not high tec but a £2 solution
Thanks both - the tips helped a lot. Now I need to solve the problem of my board staying in place. I think something needs tightening as the board would very easily swing up. Obviously that's a good thing incase it hits a rock but I need it to be a bit more stable.
Best thing to do is get a copy of the north sails tuning manual online and set up the rake and tension from this as a baseline
The board is too big for the boat in practice. Bringing it up 1/3 when going upwind stops the boat tripping over and allows it to sail more freely, whilst also reducing the tendency to heel up and go slow.
So ease the board forward and get the bow down. Height is a function of power. Get it into as much of a ‘low mode’ as the solo is able to manage and then once you’re up to best hull speed on a shallow beat bring the pointing on and it’ll go quite high as the foils will be working optimally.
Working the inhaul can also bring on pointing through changing the shape of the lower sail.
Inhaul, kicker, outhaul used together form the gears of the boat and worked properly allow you to get up to speed fast.
Coming off the start aim for a space to leeward and get the bow down to accelerate away. Bit more board to hold your lane.
There are lots of info on this site. I am with you watching the fast guys storm away.
If you look at the centreboard position of all the Superstars in breeze upwind, they all have the board up significantly. Better to be flat and fast