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Budworth SC Solo Open 07.10.2023


Sponsored by Winder Boats and Impact Marine

Report by Steve Denison

Once upon a time... on a lake not so far away 24 solo sailors arrived at Budworth SC for the penultimate solo open of the 2023 Northern Series event on a very mild October day.

After a warm welcome from the locals and a chance to catch up over a bacon butty or two, plans were being hatched. Was it the rugby, wind direction or Strictly....

We had a guest appearance by Roger Guess 5851 from Salcombe - PROBABLY THE BEST SAILING CLUB IN THE WORLD - ex local.

After all the planning our POR for the day John Ward, assisted by Wendy Martin (local RS200 sailors) informed the fleet of his plans for the day and was very aware of the wind direction. Or was it the Rugby..

Race 1

The race got under way first time, but someone was missing - Innes' tiller extension had failed giving Denison the perfect pin end start; which gave him the lead round the windward mark, followed by Honnor and Sampson 3rd. Sampson not having had a great weekend last week as both cars were stolen off his drive on Saturday night hence missing sailing on the Sunday (day 2 of the Northerns at LLSC)!

Denison lead for 2 laps, Honnor decided to take them the picturesque way to Z mark and a change of places ensued. Finishing Honnor 1 Denison 2 Sampson 3.

Lunched was served. A fine selection of soups, sandwiches and hot potatoes with a choice of fillings was greatly received. The POR informed the fleet the afternoon was going to be back 2 back races. Heads were been scratched with the wind shifting. Or was it the Rugby....

Race 2

Innes joining the the fleet again with the bit between his teeth, and armed with a new extension, he was ready to go. Jockeying a good start was key; pin end again was favoured. Windward positions were Denison followed by Honnor with Innes in third. The mild October weather, as mentioned, was causing havoc. Someone from Salcombe decided to cool down and take a dip. After two laps, a shifting wind and the dreaded Z mark again, Honnor, Innes and Barnes caught Denison in no wind. The fleet split with a lap left. Another close race was on with finishing positions Honnor 1, Innes 2, Barnes 3 and Denison in 4th.

Race 3

With the rest of the places still to be decided race 3 got underway first time again. With the wind shifting again, a good beat was key. First round was Honnor followed by local knowledge of Team Salcombe, Innes 3, and Barnes 4. After 3 laps this time it was time for a change - and not at Z mark this time. Guess hit the mark letting Innes through. And that was how it finished.

So with racing finished Honnor was the clear winner. You have never seen 24 solos packed up as quick in your life. Radios playing in the car park with the Rugby on.

Honnor thanked BSC, the PRO team, galley and competitors for another great day's sailing on the Northern series. Shooting home to make it back in time for......

Strictly.. MOVIE WEEK...Haha.

Next week is Windermere Open. Surely with some stunning pics and more close racing. Why not come join us if you dare?

Budworth Winners Left to Right: Philip Barnes 4th, Martin Honnor 1st, Innes Armstrong 2nd (Steve Denison 3rd had rushed home to watch the dancing ;-)


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