We have been notified of an issue with the registration page for the Nations Cup to be held in Medemblik. The Dutch has asked we re-enter the event.
Please re enter the event and pay when in Medemblik (the site will ask for payment but payment doesn't work for us in the UK.)
Email from Paul de Geus,
Hi Patrick,
Quick update and early warning:
The link to register for the Nations cup since I think December last year was not correct. To be honest, I don’t know how it appeared but it was the old one.
Somewhere coming days all registered boats will receive an email to register again and make the payment, also possibility to register for the captains diner (including drinks!!!!!). This is via Manage2sail, the only correct way to register for 2023.
The correct link is available on the Dutch Solo site since today (and above).
There were already 40 participants from your Island! Which is great.
In the name of Hollandia (organising committee) I apologise for the inconvenience. Vriendelijke groet, Paul de Geus
