Here is a reminder of your Committee.
As you all know, the magic of the Solo Class doesn’t happen by accident. It takes a lot of work to run the Association. The more people we can spread the work around, the easier it is to run the Class.
With the AGM in August and the season coming to an end this is the time of year when Committee personnel changes. This post is to inform people of the changes and to ask for volunteers for the vacant roles.
Please follow the link at the top to see the current list of Committee members, or navigate from the main menu: NSCA, then Committee.
From 2025 Nick Honsby is taking over from Justine and Innes to run the Northern Series. Our thanks go to Justine and Innes for running a very successful Northern Area over the last few years.
Maria Elvira Franco has stepped down as Midlands Rep and Jon Swain has taken over the role. Maria has taken on the Southern Area after Doug stepped down. Our thanks go to all these individuals for the time and effort they have given or are going to give to these areas.
After many, many years of service Will Loy is trying to step down from his Publicity role, commentating on the Super Series and producing the Interactive Magazine. This will leave the class with a large hole to fill. The Committee is looking at ways to do this, maybe taking a new direction with publicity or spreading the roles around several volunteers.
The class would love to hear from anyone who would like to take on the role or part of the role.
Steve Ede stepped down as Championships/Super Series organizer in 2023. Since then, Guy has picked up this role with help from Steve, but it’s a lot for Guy to take on top of the Presidency, so if anyone can help organize the big events, please volunteer.
The Training Coordinator role has been vacant since Andy Fox stepped down. Training has been organized by some of the Area reps in 2024, but if anyone can take this role on to drive Class training, please step forward.
If you would like to volunteer for any of the above roles or would like to be involved in the running of the Class, please get in contact with Guy, Paul or send us a message via the website.
Any chance of having photos to go with names please. Great job everyone!